- Know It Or Blow It -

Kiobi Bot Information

You have most likely reached this page to check upon an IP address or the Kiobi Bot that is accessing your site(s).
Please note we are not randomly scraping the internet, these are dedicated, tailored requests.

We are monitoring/retrieving pages from your site due to an affiliate agreement we have with you,
either directly or via an intermediate service like AWin, TradeTracker, WebGains or alike.

We normally use feed-data provided by you/your technical team, however, this feed data was deemed not to be enough for us,
hence the automated page retrievals. This might be due to old or incorrect data in the feeds, stale information,
or sometimes because you have no feed at all.

We enabled compression and try to minimize the data received,
but we need to access you pages to effectively continue our partnership.

Please contact us () if you need more information, please do not block the Kiobi Bot IP address.

Our brands


- LEGO® Pricewatch


- Playmobil® Pricewatch


- Speelgoed Pricewatch

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